Terrace Metrics for Higher Education

Research shows that up to 50% of a student’s academic experiences and well-being depends on their behavioral health. However, approximately 30% of students are experiencing significant high levels of distress, which is the biggest predictor of poor academic standing, compromised health, and dropout. Over half of these students edo not seek services.

Higher education administrators struggle to find ways to quickly and accurately assess the behavioral health of their students, and intervene if necessary. Even a 1% increase in campus behavioral health significantly increases retention and reduces economic burden.

Terrace Metrics is a quick, reliable, and comprehensive system that assesses the behavioral health of students in higher education. It is the only systems that measures BOTH risk factors (e.g., depression, anxiety, drug/ alcohol dependency, trauma) AND protective factors (e.g., social support, grit, hope), each of which is a unique predictor of students’ academic and interpersonal functioning.

What We Offer

In just 15 minutes, students complete a secure, private, and confidential assessment, customized to the needs of the institution. Individualized results are generated immediately after administration and are only seen by the student. The online report is interactive; students can immediately access a self-guided curricula, videos, and other intervention tools that can assist them in their efforts to improve their own behavioral health.

Students can take the assessment whenever and wherever they prefer, using any platform (desktop, laptop, tablet, smartphone). They can take it as many times as they would like to monitor and improve their own behavioral health.

More importantly, the system can monitored by trained professionals on campus. These professionals can quickly contact students self-identified as being in high distress, to ensure that they are connected to appropriate campus/community resources.

Higher education administrators receive a comprehensive, aggregate report that details the overall behavioral health of their students.

Our Indicators

The indicators are chosen by the higher education administration and can be customized to match the needs of specific departments. All indicators have strong norms and excellent psychometric properties (including reliability and construct validity). Finally, the indicators are the most robust predictors of academic success and intrapersonal functioning.

Here are the indicators:

Resiliency Indicators

Global Life Satisfaction: Overall assessment of feelings and attitudes about one’s life
Hope: Assesses goal-directed thinking and the motivation to work around barriers that hinder goal attainment
Leadership Skills: Specific leadership skills needed to influence others.
Personal Standards: Expectations of one’s own personal abilities.

Risk Indicators

Ostracism: Degree of perceived social isolation. The indicator examines two forms of ostracism: being ignored (i.e., the individual believes that others do not pay attention to them) or excluded (i.e., others acknowledge the individual but choose not to interact with them).
Anxiety: Assesses the degree and severity of anxiety symptoms.
Depression: Assesses the degree and severity of depression symptoms.
Self-Criticism: Degree to which one overly focuses on their perceived faults and blemishes.
Trauma: This brief screener assesses the degree of distress associated with a past trauma in the past 30 days.
Drug/Alcohol Screener: This screener assesses the degree of distress associated with alcohol/drug use in the past 30 days

How the Process Works

The process is very easy and requires virtually no time for campus administration and students:

  1. Terrace Metrics works with campus administrators to identify all relevant campus and community resources.
  2. The student receives a link to their customized assessment (either through their personal or campus email)
  3. Once completed, the student views their confidential results immediately, via a secure, online portal
  4. The online report is interactive; the student can click on any indicator and retrieve videos and print resources (including a self-guided curriculum)
  5. Students can take the assessment as often as they wish, allowing them to monitor their own behavioral health

Contact Us

We are looking forward to hearing from you. Please feel free to get in touch via the form, we will get right back to you.

Phone : 1-800-470-4401

Email : info@terracemetrics.org

Business Hours : 8 am – 10 pm EST

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